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We invite you to explore Cornelius, it's local attractions, area statistics, and real estate market. There are currently 178 residential listings on the market in Cornelius with an average list price of homes for sale of $642K. Last month's average sold price was $636K.

Cornelius, NC has a population of 25,975 with an average household income of $114,048. When it comes to weather, the average summer high temperature for North Charlotte is 89.24ºF and the yearly rainfall average is 111 inches. As for real estate occupancy specifics, approximately 7,863 residents own their home and 3,585 rent their home.

Helen Adams Realty has skilled agents who have hyper-local expertise of the real estate market in Cornelius and can help educate you whether you are interested in selling your current home or finding your new home.

Cornelius began as a textile mill village over 100 years ago, but the focus shifted west with Lake Norman's development. Today there are lake-front mansions, new retail shopping and dining, country clubs and golf courses. It's home to Jetton Park and Ramsey Creek Park on the lake. Catawba Avenue boasts decorative street lamps and brick sidewalks.


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Market Overview for Cornelius

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Total Listings



